Friday, October 8, 2021

How Does Acid Reflux Cause Coughing

Chronic cough can be caused by acid reflux or the reflux of nonacidic stomach contents some clues as to whether a chronic cough is caused by gerd include: coughing mostly at night or after a meal. How does acid reflux cause coughing. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also called gerd or acid reflux, is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach backs up, or refluxes, into the esophagus the liquid can inflame and damage the lining of the esophagus and cause pain or discomfort in the stomach, chest or throat occasionally, reflux may also result in a dry cough.

how does acid reflux cause coughing

Acid reflux and coughing: Link, diagnosis, and treatment

Acid reflux and coughing: link, diagnosis, and treatment

What’s the Deal with Acid Reflux and Coughing?

Lifestyle changes, such as diet, weight loss, and smoking cessation, can go a long way in reducing acid reflux-induced coughing according to livestrongcom, eliminating high-fat foods, chocolate and citric acid, and reducing spicy dishes and foods high in sodium, will not only help control your acid reflux but also quell the cough that tends to accompany symptoms. Well acid reflux can cause sinus issues so there is a definite possibility that gerd is causing your sinusitis. in fact the more appropriate term is laryngopharyngeal reflux which is a different form of acid reflux which primarily affects around the throat area and a somewhat common symptom with it is sinus and breathing issues.. “the popular term acid reflux is a misnomer. it is pepsin (not acid) that does most of the airway and esophageal tissue damage from reflux; however, pepsin requires acid for its activation. therein lies the cause of some of the confusion regarding the pathophysiology of reflux disease..

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