Saturday, July 23, 2022

Can Having Gerd Cause Weight Gain

Also ask your doctor about several other potential conditions that can cause nausea, such as gallbladder disease, ulcers and gastroparesis (slow emptying of the stomach) once these are ruled out, you can begin to focus on how and what to eat to gain weight gaining weight while struggling with gerd. Can having gerd cause weight gain. Imbalance of ph and weight gain: by now, it is amply clear the acidity and weight gain are closely related and without finding a solution to the problem of hyperacidity, it is difficult to lose weight obesity also aggravates the symptoms of hyperacidity the answer therefore to the question: can acid reflux cause weight gain is yes, it can.

can having gerd cause weight gain

"i have gerd, trouble swallowing and unintentional weight loss i have been wondering what can you eat to gain weight when you have gerd?" answered by dr robert killian: gerd in young: please do not be managing this problem without a physic. Diabetes can make you feel hungry, tired, or thirsty; you may urinate more than normal and have blurry vision. lack of exercise. lack of exercise is a common cause of fatigue, weight gain, and muscle weakness. esophagitis. esophagitis, an inflammation of the lining of the esophagus, causes chest pain, nausea, and more. hypothyroidism (adult). Being overweight is the biggest risk factor associated with gerd. temporary weight gain, such as during pregnancy, can also cause heartburn. in such cases, the symptoms generally clear up once you.

more info can having gerd cause weight gain---> click here